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Feature: Back to family: Croatian engineer finds home among Chinese colleagues at CRBC

SPLIT, Croatia, Sept. 15 (Xinhua) — For Croatian civil engineer Selma Knudsen, returning to work with her Chinese colleagues at the China Road and Bridge Corporation (CRBC) in Split, the second-largest city in Croatia, felt less like a career move and more like coming home.
“They’re really like family to me,” she said in a recent interview, reflecting on her deep connection with the team. After working on the iconic Peljesac Bridge project, Knudsen took a new job in Zagreb. But when the CRBC began another major project near her hometown, she didn’t hesitate to return.
“I never questioned if I would come back,” Knudsen said. “It was just a matter of when. Working with the CRBC team feels like home, and I knew I had to be part of it again.”
Knudsen first joined CRBC as a commercial coordinator in 2018, leaving her job in Norway to work on the Peljesac Bridge, a project that held special meaning for her. It fulfilled her late father’s wish for her to contribute to a major infrastructure project in her home country. For four years, she thrived in that role, forging close bonds with her Chinese colleagues, who, she says, were always kind, helpful, and ready to collaborate.
When the Peljesac Bridge was completed in July 2022, Knudsen moved on to a new job in Zagreb. But when CRBC secured the contract to build a 6.85-kilometer road section in Split, including a 2.5-kilometer tunnel and multiple viaducts and overpasses, she quickly made up her mind to rejoin the team. “If the CRBC had another project right after Peljesac, I would have never left,” she said.
The decision wasn’t without sacrifices. Moving from Zagreb meant leaving behind her apartment and taking a pay cut. In Split, she’s staying at a friend’s house, but for Knudsen, the personal rewards far outweigh the financial ones. “I’m driven by emotions,” she admitted. “I need to have fun at work and feel valued for what I do. That’s what I get here.”
Knudsen speaks fondly of the work culture at CRBC, emphasizing the sense of unity and teamwork. “We solve problems together. You never feel like you’re struggling on your own,” she said. This collaborative approach, combined with CRBC’s efficient work ethic, gives her confidence that the Vucevica road project will be completed on time in 2026, just as the Peljesac Bridge was.
The significance of the project extends beyond the job itself. Once completed, the new road will shorten travel time, improve traffic safety, and boost economic development in Split-Dalmatia County. Knudsen is proud to be part of something that will have such a lasting impact on her community.
Looking back, Knudsen feels certain she made the right choice to return. “Every day I go to work, it’s like meeting up with friends,” she said, her voice warm with affection. “I know this is where I’m meant to be.”
For her, the CRBC is more than just a company – it’s a second family. And working with them isn’t just about building roads and bridges, but also lasting connections. ■
